The Role of Mechanical Engineer in the Construction Industry

Mechanical engineering field covers every aspect of building design, from structural integrity to material selection, with both of these branches finding their place in engineering principles and engineering mathematics. Similarly, all machinery within the building is considered part of a mechanical engineers domain.
This includes HVAC equipment, the ducts and ventilation shafts that take off from output assemblies towards the different storey of the structure, and all of the associated boilers, chillers, fans, pumps, pipes and fixing equipments that tie these independent systems together.

Why do you need mechanical installation consultancy?

The design and selection of all these devices and equipments are calculated by the projects designers. However, due to the varying needs of investor or the problems occured on the construction site during application, can cause changes in the capacity, size or the form of connection, very often. Indepedent consultants who are experinced in mechanical installations and working principles of the systems designed as well as the coordination of the systems preferred , play and important role for finding the right, applicable solutions of those changes. Uncorrected changes can cause sytems to operate independently and incompatibly. As a result, not only it may not be possible to achieve the desired comfort conditions, it is also possible that even the threats of human health may arise.